Ethereum Validator Income Statements

This is an inside look into the financals of my Ethereum/Rocketpool validator node, which I am operating and accounting for as if it were a small business. Hopefully this can give an idea of the real costs & rewards of the business opportunity (I know I wished I had something like this before starting!)

Because the validator yield is so low compared to Ether’s volatility, in my opinion it only makes sense to use Ether as the unit of account (ie I need to be long ether long term already before running the validator makes sense). For this reason, all costs and revenues below are listed in ether terms without conversion to dollars.

Note on electrical cost: because this validator’s electrical usage is relatively low (30w) and is mixed with my personal home bills, I will only settle the cost from the business very occassionally (this is why you’ll see a payable liability below).



Upfront investment & costs:

  • Validator Stake: Ξ16
  • Hardware: Ξ0.6
  • RPL Collateral: Ξ1.61 (108.21 RPL)
  • Setup Gas: Ξ0.0224
  • Cash Float: Ξ0.467217
  • Total Upfront Investment: Ξ18.699617

Augest 2023

Activity of interest:

  • Attestation performance: 6297/6300 (99.95%)

Income Statement


Ξ0.05460 Smoothing pool (MEV & tips)
Ξ0.00912 RPL yield (Ξ0.67440 RPL)
Ξ0.04402 Beacon chain
Ξ0.10774 Total


Ξ0.00090 Electric Liability
Ξ0.00900 Gas Liability
Ξ0.00990 Total

Net Profit: Ξ0.09784

Balance Sheet


Ξ16.00000 Validator
Ξ0.05249 Minipool Contract Balance
Ξ1.46320 Locked RPL Stake (108.21 RPL)
Ξ0.01852 Unclaimed RPL (1.36993 RPL)
Ξ0.07100 Unclaimed Smoothing Pool
Ξ0.31549 Discounted Hardware ($700)
Ξ0.26349 Cash on hand (Hot)
Ξ1.14794 Cash on hand (Cold)
Ξ19.33213 Total Assets


Ξ0.02700 Gas Obligation
Ξ0.00900 Electric Obligation
Ξ0.03600 Total
Ξ19.29613 Shareholder Equity
Ξ19.33213 Total Liabilities and Equity

To-date ROI: 3.1%

I am neutral to bearish on the price of RPL. This suplimentary accounting scheme applies a heavy 50% risk-based discount to RPL assets. I expect this adjusted ROI to be negative for the better part of a year.

  • Discounted RPL Stake: Ξ1.46320 * 50% = Ξ0.73160
  • Discounted Unclaimed RPL yield: Ξ0.01852 * 50% = Ξ0.00926
  • Adjusted Net Equity: Ξ18.55527
  • Adjusted ROI: -0.7%

July 2023

Activity of interest:

  • Attestation performance: 6293/6300 (99.88%)

Income Statement


Ξ0.01640 Smoothing pool (MEV & tips)
Ξ0.01097 RPL yield (0.69553 RPL)
Ξ0.07064 Beacon chain
Ξ0.09801 Total


Ξ0.00090 Electric Liability
Ξ0.00900 Gas Liability
Ξ0.00990 Total

Net Profit: Ξ0.08811

Balance Sheet


Ξ16.00000 Validator
Ξ0.008466 Minipool Contract Balance
Ξ1.70775 Locked RPL Stake (108.21 RPL)
Ξ0.01097 Unclaimed RPL (0.69553 RPL)
Ξ0.0164 Unclaimed Smoothing Pool
Ξ0.28642 Discounted Hardware ($700)
Ξ0.26349 Cash on hand (Hot)
Ξ1.14794 Cash on hand (Cold)
Ξ19.44143 Total Assets


Ξ0.01800 Gas Obligation
Ξ0.00810 Electric Obligation
Ξ0.02610 Total
Ξ19.41533 Shareholder Equity
Ξ19.44143 Total Liabilities and Equity

To-date ROI: 3.8%

I am neutral to bearish on the price of RPL. This suplimentary accounting scheme applies a heavy 50% risk-based discount to RPL assets. I expect this adjusted ROI to be negative for the better part of a year.

  • Discounted RPL Stake: Ξ1.70775 * 50% = Ξ0.85387
  • Discounted Unclaimed RPL yield: Ξ0.01097 * 50% = Ξ0.00548
  • Adjusted Net Equity: Ξ18.55597
  • Adjusted ROI: -0.7%

June 2023

Activity of interest:

  • Attestation performance: 6288/6300 (99.8%)
  • Rewards were claimed to cold storage this month
  • Hardware was deprecated another $100 this month

Income Statement


Ξ0.02827 Smoothing pool (MEV & tips)
Ξ0.01532 RPL yield (0.77048 RPL)
Ξ0.08305 Beacon chain
Ξ0.12664 Total


Ξ0.00090 Electric Liability
Ξ0.00900 Gas Liability
Ξ0.00801 Claim Rewards Gas
Ξ0.01791 Total

Net Profit: Ξ0.10873

Balance Sheet


Ξ16.00000 Validator
Ξ0.51602 Minipool Contract Balance
Ξ2.15236 Locked RPL Stake (108.21 RPL)
Ξ0.00000 Unclaimed RPL (0 RPL)
Ξ0.00000 Unclaimed Smoothing Pool
Ξ0.27538 Discounted Hardware ($700)
Ξ0.26349 Cash on hand (Hot)
Ξ0.56970 Cash on hand (Cold)
Ξ19.77696 Total Assets


Ξ0.00900 Gas Obligation
Ξ0.00720 Electric Obligation
Ξ0.01620 Total
Ξ19.76076 Shareholder Equity
Ξ19.77696 Total Liabilities and Equity

To-date ROI: 5.6%

I am neutral to bearish on the price of RPL. This suplimentary accounting scheme applies a heavy 50% risk-based discount to RPL assets. I expect this adjusted ROI to be negative for the better part of a year.

  • Discounted RPL Stake: Ξ2.15236 * 50% = Ξ1.07618
  • Discounted Unclaimed RPL yield: Ξ0 * 50% = Ξ0
  • Adjusted Net Equity: Ξ18.68458
  • Adjusted ROI: -0.08%

May 2023

Activity of interest:

  • Minipool contract delegate was upgraded to allow rewards distributions
  • Attestation performance: 6266/6300 (99.4%)
  • Blocks proposed: 1

Income Statement


Ξ0.03650 Smoothing pool (MEV & tips)
Ξ0.02012 RPL yield (0.77374 RPL)
Ξ0.07754 Beacon chain
Ξ0.13416 Total


Ξ0.00090 Electric Liability
Ξ0.00900 Gas Liability
Ξ0.00210 Delegate Upgrade Gas
Ξ0.01200 Total

Net Profit: Ξ0.12216

Balance Sheet


Ξ16.00000 Validator
Ξ0.47633 Minipool Contract Balance
Ξ2.81352 Locked RPL Stake (108.21 RPL)
Ξ0.05748 Unclaimed RPL (2.210993 RPL)
Ξ0.08350 Unclaimed Smoothing Pool
Ξ0.31872 Discounted Hardware ($800)
Ξ0.26963 Cash on hand (Hot)
Ξ0.38190 Cash on hand (Cold)
Ξ20.40107 Total Assets


Ξ0.02700 Gas Obligation
Ξ0.00720 Electric Obligation
Ξ0.03420 Total
Ξ20.36687 Shareholder Equity
Ξ20.40107 Total Liabilities and Equity

To-date ROI: 8.9%

I am neutral to bearish on the price of RPL. This suplimentary accounting scheme applies a heavy 50% risk-based discount to RPL assets. I expect this adjusted ROI to be negative for the better part of a year.

  • Discounted RPL Stake: Ξ2.81352 * 50% = Ξ1.40676
  • Discounted Unclaimed RPL yield: Ξ0.05748 * 50% = Ξ0.02874
  • Adjusted Net Equity: Ξ18.93137
  • Adjusted ROI: 1.2%

April 2023

Activity of interest:

  • Due to major storm, validator was offline for several days, drastically lowering performance.
  • Attestation performance: 5744/6300 (91.1%)
  • Blocks proposed: 0
  • Withdrawals fork was activated, so “locked beacon rewards” has become “minipool contract balance”

Income Statement


Ξ0.01560 Smoothing pool (MEV & tips)
Ξ0.01741 RPL yield (0.70752 RPL)
Ξ0.03609 Beacon chain
Ξ0.06909 Total


Ξ0.00090 Electric Liability
Ξ0.00900 Gas Liability
Ξ0.00990 Total

Net Profit: Ξ0.05919

Balance Sheet


Ξ16.00000 Validator
Ξ0.39879 Minipool Contract Balance
Ξ2.66197 Locked RPL Stake (108.21 RPL)
Ξ0.03536 Unclaimed RPL (1.43725 RPL)
Ξ0.04700 Unclaimed Smoothing Pool
Ξ0.31299 Discounted Hardware ($800)
Ξ0.26963 Cash on hand (Hot)
Ξ0.38190 Cash on hand (Cold)
Ξ20.10764 Total Assets


Ξ0.01800 Gas Obligation
Ξ0.00630 Electric Obligation
Ξ0.02430 Total
Ξ20.08334 Shareholder Equity
Ξ20.10764 Total Liabilities and Equity

To-date ROI: 7.4%

I am neutral to bearish on the price of RPL. This suplimentary accounting scheme applies a heavy 50% risk-based discount to RPL assets. I expect this adjusted ROI to be negative for the better part of a year.

  • Discounted RPL Stake: Ξ2.66197 * 50% = Ξ1.33099
  • Discounted Unclaimed RPL yield: Ξ0.03536 * 50% = Ξ0.01768
  • Adjusted Net Equity: Ξ18.73467
  • Adjusted ROI: 0.18%

March 2023

Activity of interest:

  • Attestation performance: 6295/6300 (99.92%)
  • Blocks proposed: 0
  • Hardware was discounted by another $60

Income Statement


Ξ0.03140 Smoothing pool (MEV & tips)
Ξ0.01775 RPL yield (0.72973 RPL)
Ξ0.04970 Beacon chain
Ξ0.09885 Total


Ξ0.00090 Electric Liability
Ξ0.00900 Gas Liability
Ξ0.00990 Total

Net Profit: Ξ0.08895

Balance Sheet


Ξ16.00000 Validator
Ξ0.36270 Locked Beacon Rewards
Ξ2.63300 Locked RPL Stake (108.21 RPL)
Ξ0.01775 Unclaimed RPL (0.72973 RPL)
Ξ0.03140 Unclaimed Smoothing Pool
Ξ0.32110 Discounted Hardware ($800)
Ξ0.26963 Cash on hand (Hot)
Ξ0.38190 Cash on hand (Cold)
Ξ20.01740 Total Assets


Ξ0.00900 Gas Obligation
Ξ0.00540 Electric Obligation
Ξ0.01440 Total
Ξ20.00300 Shareholder Equity
Ξ20.01740 Total Liabilities and Equity

To-date ROI: 6.9%

I am neutral to bearish on the price of RPL. This suplimentary accounting scheme applies a heavy 50% risk-based discount to RPL assets. I expect this adjusted ROI to be negative for the better part of a year.

  • Discounted RPL Stake: Ξ2.633 * 50% = Ξ1.3165
  • Discounted Unclaimed RPL yield: Ξ0.01775 * 50% = Ξ0.008875
  • Adjusted Net Equity: Ξ18.6776
  • Adjusted ROI: -0.1%

February 2023

Activity of interest:

  • Attestation performance: 6296/6300 (99.93%)
  • Blocks proposed: 0
  • RPL & smoothing pool rewards were claimed this month, clearing out the gas liability
  • All unlocked RPL was sold for ether at market rate


  • Smoothing pool (MEV & tips): Ξ0.024157
  • RPL yield: Ξ0.024877 (0.872891 RPL)
  • Beacon chain (including commission): Ξ0.0648
  • Total: Ξ0.113834


  • Electric: Ξ0.0009 (recording as liability)
  • Claim Rewards: Ξ0.004686 - Ξ0.00259 = Ξ0.002096 (drawing down on gas liability)
  • Sell RPL for ETH on 1inch: Ξ0.005857
  • Total: Ξ0.008853

Net Profit: Ξ0.104981

Balance Sheet


  • Validator: Ξ16
  • Locked Beacon Rewards: Ξ0.3130
  • Locked RPL Stake: Ξ3.0838425 (108.205 RPL)
  • Unclaimed RPL yield: Ξ0 (0 RPL)
  • Unclaimed Smoothing Pool: Ξ0
  • Discounted Hardware value: Ξ0.3827 ($860)
  • Cash on hand (Hot): Ξ0.269632
  • Cash on hand (Cold): Ξ0.3819
  • Sub-total: Ξ20.431074


  • Gas Obligation (to claim rewards): Ξ0
  • Electric Payable: Ξ0.0045

Net Shareholder Equity: Ξ20.426574

To-date ROI: 9.23%

I am neutral to bearish on the price of RPL. This suplimentary accounting scheme applies a heavy 50% risk-based discount to RPL assets. I expect this adjusted ROI to be negative for the better part of a year.

  • Discounted RPL Stake: Ξ3.0838425 * 50% = Ξ1.5419212
  • Discounted Unclaimed RPL yield: Ξ0 * 50% = Ξ0
  • Adjusted Net Equity: Ξ18.88465
  • Adjusted ROI: 0.98%

January 2023

Activity of interest:

  • Attestation performance: 6287/6300 (99.79%)
  • Blocks proposed: 1 🎉


  • Smoothing pool (MEV & tips): Ξ0.0844
  • RPL yield: Ξ0.01924 (0.805168 RPL)
  • Beacon chain (including commission): Ξ0.074
  • Total: Ξ0.17764


  • Gas Obligation: Ξ0.00259 (recording as liability)
  • Electric: Ξ0.0009 (recording as liability)
  • Total: Ξ0.00349

Net Profit: Ξ0.17415

Balance Sheet


  • Validator: Ξ16
  • Locked Beacon Rewards: Ξ0.2482
  • Locked RPL Stake: Ξ2.5861 (108.205 RPL)
  • Unclaimed RPL yield: Ξ0.01924 (0.805168 RPL)
  • Unclaimed Smoothing Pool: Ξ0.0844
  • Discounted Hardware value: Ξ0.407 ($860)
  • Cash on hand (Hot): Ξ0.278133
  • Cash on hand (Cold): Ξ0.29199
  • Sub-total: Ξ19.915063


  • Gas Obligation (to claim rewards): Ξ0.00259
  • Electric Payable: Ξ0.0036

Net Shareholder Equity: Ξ19.908873

To-date ROI: 6.5%

Risk Adjusted Accounting

I am neutral to bearish on the price of RPL. This suplimentary accounting scheme applies a heavy 50% risk-based discount to RPL assets. I expect this adjusted ROI to be negative for the better part of a year.

  • Discounted RPL Stake: Ξ2.5861 * 50% = Ξ1.29305
  • Discounted Unclaimed RPL yield: Ξ0.01924 * 50% = Ξ0.00962
  • Adjusted Net Equity: Ξ18.606203
  • Adjusted ROI: -0.4%

December 2022

Activity of interest:

  • Attestation performance: 6296/6300 (99.93%)
  • Blocks proposed: 1 🎉
  • RPL & smoothing pool rewards were claimed this month, clearing out the gas liability
  • All unlocked RPL was sold for ether at market rate


  • Smoothing pool (MEV & tips): Ξ0.0175
  • RPL yield: Ξ0.01157 (0.703212 RPL)
  • Beacon chain (including commission): Ξ0.0694
  • Total: Ξ0.09847


  • Claim RP rewards: Ξ0.003814 - Ξ0.00259 = Ξ0.001224 (drawing down from gas liability)
  • Approve RPL for sale on 1inch (gas): Ξ0.0009272
  • Sell RPL for Ether on 1inch (gas): Ξ0.002202
  • Electric: Ξ0.009 (recording as liability)
  • Total: Ξ0.013353

Net Profit: Ξ0.085117

Balance Sheet


  • Validator: Ξ16
  • Locked Beacon Rewards: Ξ0.1742
  • Locked RPL Stake: Ξ1.7814 (108.205 RPL)
  • Unclaimed RPL yield: Ξ0 (0 RPL)
  • Unclaimed Smoothing Pool: Ξ0
  • Discounted Hardware value: Ξ0.5291 ($860)
  • Cash on hand (Hot): Ξ0.278133
  • Cash on hand (Cold): Ξ0.29199
  • Sub-total: Ξ19.054823


  • Gas Obligation (to claim rewards): Ξ0
  • Electric Payable: Ξ0.0027

Net Shareholder Equity: Ξ19.052123

To-date ROI: 1.88%

Risk Adjusted Accounting

I am neutral to bearish on the price of RPL. This suplimentary accounting scheme applies a heavy 50% risk-based discount to RPL assets. I expect this adjusted ROI to be negative for the better part of a year.

  • Discounted RPL Stake: Ξ1.7814 * 50% = Ξ0.8907
  • Discounted Unclaimed RPL yield: Ξ0 * 50% = Ξ0
  • Adjusted Net Equity: Ξ18.161423
  • Adjusted ROI: -2.8%

November 2022

Activity of interest:

  • Attestation performance: 6225/6300 (98.8%)
    • Performance was low this month due to Besu becoming very unstable; I’ve swapped it out for Geth to prevent further downtime.
  • Blocks proposed: none
  • RPL collateral briefly dropped below 10% at the checkpoint, meaning there are no RPL rewards this period (why not top-up?)


  • Smoothing pool (MEV & tips): Ξ0.0402
  • Beacon chain (including commission): Ξ0.06865
  • Total: Ξ0.10885


  • Electric: Ξ0.009 (recording as liability)

Net Profit: Ξ0.09985

Balance Sheet


  • Validator: Ξ16
  • Locked Beacon Rewards: Ξ0.1048
  • Locked RPL Stake: Ξ1.623 (108.205 RPL)
  • Unclaimed RPL yield: Ξ0.009858 (0.657254 RPL)
  • Unclaimed Smoothing Pool: Ξ0.0669
  • Discounted Hardware value: Ξ0.5 ($860)
  • Cash on hand (Hot): Ξ0.278133
  • Cash on hand (Cold): Ξ0.189084
  • Sub-total: Ξ18.771775


  • Gas Obligation (to claim rewards): Ξ0.00259
  • Electric Payable: Ξ0.0018

Net Shareholder Equity: Ξ18.767385

To-date ROI: 0.36%

Risk Adjusted Accounting

I am neutral to bearish on the price of RPL. This suplimentary accounting scheme applies a heavy 50% risk-based discount to RPL assets. I expect this adjusted ROI to be negative for the better part of a year.

  • Discounted RPL Stake: Ξ1.623 * 50% = Ξ0.8115
  • Discounted Unclaimed RPL yield: Ξ0.009858 * 50% = Ξ0.004929
  • Adjusted Net Equity: Ξ17.950956
  • Adjusted ROI: -4.0%

October 2022

Activity of interest:

  • Attestation performance: 5271/5276 (99.9%)
  • Blocks proposed: none
  • The validator was started part way through this month, so revenues will be lower than following months


  • RPL yield: Ξ0.00978 (0.657254 RPL)
  • Smoothing pool (MEV & tips): Ξ0.0267
  • Beacon chain (including commission): Ξ0.03615
  • Total: Ξ0.07263


  • Gas Obligation: Ξ0.00259 (recording as liability)
  • Electric: Ξ0.009 (recording as liability)
  • Total: Ξ0.01159

Net Profit: Ξ0.06104

Balance Sheet


  • Validator: Ξ16
  • Locked Beacon Rewards: Ξ0.03615
  • Locked RPL Stake: Ξ1.622 (108.205 RPL)
  • Unclaimed RPL yield: Ξ0.00978 (0.657254 RPL)
  • Unclaimed Smoothing Pool: Ξ0.0267
  • Discounted Hardware value: Ξ0.47 ($860)
  • Cash on hand (Hot): Ξ0.278133
  • Cash on hand (Cold): Ξ0.189084
  • Sub-total: Ξ18.631847


  • Gas Obligation (to claim rewards): Ξ0.00259
  • Electric Payable: Ξ0.0009

Net Shareholder Equity: Ξ18.628357

To-date ROI: -0.38% (negative due to heavily discounting the hardware value upfront)

Risk Adjusted Accounting

I am neutral to bearish on the price of RPL. This suplimentary accounting scheme applies a heavy 50% risk-based discount to RPL assets. I expect this adjusted ROI to be negative for the better part of a year.

  • Discounted RPL Stake: Ξ1.622 * 50% = Ξ0.811
  • Discounted Unclaimed RPL yield: Ξ0.00978 * 50% = Ξ0.00489
  • Adjusted Net Equity: Ξ17.812467
  • Adjusted ROI: -4.7%

Historical Company Book Value

This chart captures the net shareholder equity at the end of each month in both Ether (the primary unit of account), and Canadian dollars.

Notes mentioning this note